Portsmouth City Council & Port Authority – PV Frameworks

Ecosphere Renewables have been successfully appointed to concurrent PV frameworks by Portsmouth City Council.

Systems were designed using information supplied by PCC and a site survey to ascertain the validity of the design and tender, along with safe access points and site specific hazards. The Asbestos register for the site was supplied to the contractor for inspection and disturbance of known locations of ACM’s was avoided on all sites.

Systems were designed to permitted development regulations to avoid planning requirements for the installations.

Supporting information for G59 applications were either supplied to PCC or submitted to the Distribution Network Operator (SSE) for approval and connection agreements were successfully obtained, when required, on all sites. Applications included site specific wiring diagrams and relevant inverter data sheets.

Structural Calculations were conducted by Ecospheres specialist sub-contractor to determine the structural suitability of the structure from the imposed loads of the designed photovoltaic array specified.

Site specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements were submitted for approval along with a detailed proposal of the approved design. The design detailed the make, model and location of the major component parts, the point of electrical connection and the cable routes in between the relevant locations.

Total installed to date 29/08/2018 – 743Kwp.



  • Location: Portsmouth & Gosport
  • System Size: Various sizes currently totalling 743 kWp
  • Panel Model: Tier 1 including Hanwa Q Cells, Canadian Solar, Jinko
  • Inverter Model: Solis
  • Annual Output: Estimated at 730,000 kWh per annum
  • Annual CO2 Savings: 290 Tonnes per annum

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01825 880603
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