Home Car Charging Point
Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme
The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) scheme provides funding for up to 75% of an installation (a maximum of £500 including VAT) for an electric vehicle chargepoint at a domestic property anywhere in the UK. This grant can cover: the cost of unit, electrical components, civil engineering works, labour costs for the installation, hardware, VAT incurred and site survey works.
Only authorised installers like Ecosphere Renewables can claim the grant on behalf of the domestic customer. The property must have private off-street parking and the chargepoint must be installed appropriately relative to the parking space.
If this is not feasible and you still desire a charging point, it is possible to have a chargepoint installed through your council.
Further advice is available on the following page: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/137855/street-charging-plug-in-vehicles-guide.pdf.
It is worth noting that only a select number of vehicles models are eligible for the scheme.
Those eligible for the scheme detailed below:
- Individuals who have taken ownership of a new or second hand car listed on or after the 1st April 2015 so long as the individual has not claimed against the previous chargepoint scheme
- Individuals who have been assigned a company car for at least six months on or after 1st April 2015, beginning no more than four months prior to the date of installation of the chargepoint
- Individuals who have leased a vehicle as part of a salary-sacrifice scheme from the 1st April 2015 onwards
- Individuals who are named by their employer as the primary user of a listed electric vehicle for at least six months on or after 1st April 2015, beginning no more than four months prior to the date of installation. If the named individual changes within six months, a second grant cannot be claimed. Please see the letter template Annex I, which should be used by employers
- Individuals who can prove that they have ordered an eligible electric vehicle and the vehicle will be received on or after the 1st April 2015
Note that individuals can only claim for a second chargepoint if they have more than one electric vehicle obtained on or after the 1st April 2015
If you are the registered keeper, lessee or are nominated as the primary user of an eligible vehicle and wish to claim for the grant, it is imperative that you provide the registered installer with evidence of keepership. If you, as the customer, cannot be present on the day of the installation, a third party can sign on your behalf.
The onus is on the customer to inform either the OLEV or their installer if any of their circumstances change after the EVHS application form is signed. This is necessary as it possible that change may invalidate an application. In addition, if the customer no longer has use of the electric vehicle concerned before the minimum 6-month keepership period is up, the customer must inform the OLEV via chargepount.gran@olev.gsi.gov.uk.
The grant coverage requires confirmation from you (the customer) along with Ecosphere Renewables (the installer) in order to confirming where money has been allocated.
The grant claim must be made by Ecosphere Renewables and then be authorised by OLEV. The list of OLEV approved chargepoints can be found by clicking the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/662552/evhs-approved-chargepoint-model-list.csv/preview.
Completing the customer declaration form
The EVHS requires each grant claim to be accompanied by a form which includes a customer declaration. The customer declaration is an important part of the grant claim and any missing information will make the claim invalid and payment will not be made. As the resident and registered keeper, lessee or primary user, you should read the form carefully to make sure you can answer all of the questions and provide all of the necessary evidence.
The EVHS installation form is attached to this guidance – it is called Annex D. Please read through this form to make sure you can provide all of the relevant information before you arrange for the installation to take place. For more details, see: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/564537/evhs-guidance-for-customers-v-2.1.pdf.
The Workplace Charging Scheme
The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS), like the EVHS is designed to assist with the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints. The financial contribution is limited to £300 per chargingpoint socket and up to a maximum of twenty across all sites for each submitted application.
Applications are lodged via the Driving and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) by completing and emailing the PDF form found a t: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/governmentgrants-for-low-emission-vehicles. If eligibility checks are successful, applicants will be issued with a unique identification voucher code via email, which can then be given to any OLEV-authorised WCS installer, a list of which can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/government-grants-for-lowemission-vehicles.
The voucher will be valid for four months (120 days) from the date of issue, (expiry date printed on the voucher). Once the chargepoint(s) have been installed, the authorised installer, Ecosphere Renewables, will claim the grant from OLEV on behalf of the applicant by submitting a PDF claim form via the OLEV portal: https://forms.dft.gov.uk/olev-workplace-charging-scheme-grant-claim/
Similarly to the EVHS, a voucher can only be redeemed by installers who have been authorised by OLEV for the WCS and have approval from a chargepoint manufacturer to install their chargepoint models approved by OLEV.
The scheme is open to registered businesses, charities and public sector organisations. You must be either a Public Authority – includes Government Departments and their agencies, the Armed Forces, Local Governments, the NHS and Emergency Services OR have received less than €200,000 in public support over the last three fiscal years including the current year (as set out in EU legislation).
You must be able to declare a need for electric vehicle charging equipment or an intent to encourage uptake among staff. In addition, you must be located in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. There must be dedicated off street parking for staff and applicants must be able to provide evidence on request that the site of installation is linked to the business and that the parking is dedicated wholly to staff. Furthermore, each site must have a minimum power supply of 3kW to each individual socket that are not diminished by simultaneous use. Finally, if you do not own or manage the land where you wish to have chargepoints installed, you must secure the necessary permissions ahead of making an application for a voucher. All parking must be designated to the company, although the rest of the carpark may be shared with other organisations. It should be noted that this scheme is NOT for customer use.
Applicants who are a part of a franchise are eligible for this grant. Each franchise can submit a maximum of 20 application. Applicants must maintain the chargepoint for a minimum of three years and measures must be put in place to provide usage data. Should the chargepoint need to be removed or taken out of commission within the three year period, OLEV must be informed with explanation. Chargepoints will have a minimum three year warranty on all components. It is imperative that you retain all documentation pertaining to the install. A non-exhaustive list includes: installation and commissioning confirmations and certificates, invoices, declarations and signatures, and dates of installation for a minimum of three years. You must be willing to provide copies of all the documentation listed should OLEV request it. OLEV will involve a third party to conduct auditing to ensure you, the client, comply with the rules of the scheme. This will require access to data statements and records held by applicants and Ecosphere Renewables. Once the system(s) are installed, you may be subject to an onsite visit which may require a site visit and access to the chargepoints themselves. No exceptions can be made to the criteria set out. Further details can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/570570/workplace-charging-scheme-guidance.pdf.
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