Rob Santler

As Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer I do a lot of the ‘big picture’ thinking that keeps us going in the right direction and ensures the solutions we provide for our clients are both up to date and are financially suitable.

I hold a  First Class (hons) degree in Business Studies and am also a part qualified management accountant.  I have over 10 years experience at director level in the electrical and renewable industry and for the past 4 years had been responsible for the direction and growth of Ecosphere Renewables.

Whilst I’m passionate about Green Issues coming from a financial background I fully understand  the importance of the financials of any renewable project.    I am also able to utilise my project management skills and am responsible for the project planning.

You will probably find me talking and listening to lots of people, speaking at industry events and conferences and ensuring we are offering the best value technologies and generally sifting out the pointless products and bandwagon fads.

I still like to keep very hands on and I often undertake our surveys and meet with our clients so I can understand their ever changing needs and ensure that we offer the most suitable products and solutions.

Finally, in my spare time if I’m not running from one half marathon to the next I’ll probably be found rock climbing including recently climbing Mont Blanc!

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